Saturday, August 2, 2008

Silly Lady

So i was at work today working in the back and this lady all the sudden yells out "Is that Laura?!" I turn my head and walk up to her cause I'm blind and cant see far away. Then she says, "do you remember me??" And I was all "Wendy??" It looked like wendy McClendin for like a few seconds but then I got closer and realized it wasnt her. lol! So this lady told me who she was and said it was understandable that i didn't remember her cause she last saw me when i was lil. Anyways, her last name Was like Mullsworth or something like that and apparently my parent wanted her to hook her son up with me! Ha ha!! So she tells me he's out in the car and makes me go out to meet him! Ha ha! It was funny! This lady was sooo cute! So I meet her son Tyler who just got off his mission, gave him my number and headed inside. lol. Now we wait and see if he ever contacts me! lol It was just sooo funny and cute

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